A spectral-cube guide for CASA users¶
Eric Koch, Adam Ginsburg, Tom Robitaille
This tutorial demonstrates how equivalent operations in spectral-cube and CASA for users familiar with CASA.
Note: This tutorial shows only basic uses of CASA tasks and tools. For a full list of capabilities, see the CASA documentation.
The spectral-cube operations will be demonstrated with dask enabled (see the docs page on dask integration).
Learning goals¶
- Using dask with spectral-cube
- Cube statistics
- Moment maps
- Spectral fitting
- Spatial fitting
radio astronomy, spectral-line data cubes, CASA
NOTE: this tutorial requires CASA 6 to be installed. Tested for versions up to CASA 6.1.
pip install astropy
pip install spectral-cube
pip install radio-beam
pip install dask
pip install aplpy
pip install --index-url https://casa-pip.nrao.edu/repository/pypi-casa-release/simple casatools
pip install --index-url https://casa-pip.nrao.edu/repository/pypi-casa-release/simple casatasks
%matplotlib inline
import os
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.style.use('seaborn-colorblind')
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
from spectral_cube import SpectralCube
# Uncomment to create a progress bar for all dask operations.
# Disabled here as it increases the run time significantly for this small cube.
# from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
# pbar = ProgressBar()
# pbar.register()
For the comparisons below, we will import both casatools
and casatasks
which are CASA's "tool" and "task" level routines, respectively. See the CASA documentation for more information.
from casatasks import imfit, immoments, specfit
from casatools import image
# Load the image tool
ia = image()
pull_data using version casarundata-2024.04.16-1.tar.gz, acquiring the lock ...
downloading casarundata contents to /home/runner/work/tutorials/tutorials/.casa (333M) ...
casarundata installed casarundata-2024.04.16-1.tar.gz at /home/runner/work/tutorials/tutorials/.casa
measures_update ... acquiring the lock ... ... connecting to ftp.astron.nl ...
... downloading WSRT_Measures_20240603-160001.ztar from ASTRON server to /home/runner/work/tutorials/tutorials/.casa ...
... measures data updated at /home/runner/work/tutorials/tutorials/.casa
For this tutorial, we will download a small region of M33 tracing the CO(2-1) molecular line transition. This is a region taken from a larger ALMA mosaic observed with the ACA (Morita) 7-m array (Project ID: 2019.1.01182.S).
from astropy.utils.data import download_file
filename = download_file(
cache=True, show_progress=True)
# Note that the datafile will not end in ".fits". Because of that, we need to specify the format
# When the file name end in "fits", `format` will not need to be specified
cube = SpectralCube.read(filename, format='fits', use_dask=True)
# Convert to km/s for the spectral unit
cube = cube.with_spectral_unit(u.km / u.s)
Cube statistics¶
Both CASA and spectral-cube have a convienience function for computing common statistics for the entire data cube.
In CASA, this is ia.statistics
, while in spectral-cube, this is SpectralCube.statistics
(note that this is currently defined only for a DaskSpectralCube
, like what we use here).
t0 = time()
out = ia.statistics()
t1 = time()
time_casa_cubestats = t1 - t0
print(f"CASA cube statistics time: {time_casa_cubestats} s")
CASA cube statistics time: 0.024159908294677734 s {'blc': array([0, 0, 0]), 'blcf': '01:33:42.875, +, 2.307533e+11Hz', 'flux': array([2844.71940991]), 'max': array([1.97525465]), 'maxpos': array([63, 58, 89]), 'maxposf': '01:33:37.987, +, 2.307075e+11Hz', 'mean': array([0.00345528]), 'min': array([-1.35735619]), 'minpos': array([ 63, 62, 222]), 'minposf': '01:33:37.987, +, 2.306389e+11Hz', 'npts': array([1228800.]), 'rms': array([0.11577152]), 'sigma': array([0.11571999]), 'sum': array([4245.84986529]), 'sumsq': array([16469.6603737]), 'trc': array([ 63, 63, 299]), 'trcf': '01:33:37.987, +, 2.305993e+11Hz'}
t0 = time()
out_sc = cube.statistics()
t1 = time()
time_sc_cubestats = t1 - t0
print(f"SC cube statistics time: {time_sc_cubestats} s")
SC cube statistics time: 0.15532994270324707 s {'npts': 1228800.0, 'min': <Quantity -1.35735625 K>, 'max': <Quantity 1.97525464 K>, 'sum': <Quantity 4245.84985979 K>, 'sumsq': <Quantity 16469.66037109 K2>, 'mean': <Quantity 0.00345528 K>, 'sigma': <Quantity 0.11571999 K>, 'rms': <Quantity 0.11577152 K>}
For this small cube, both CASA and spectral-cube have a similar performance.
Moment maps¶
Moment maps are a common method used to analyze the signal in a spectral-line data cube. Typically, the first few moments calculated along the spectral dimensions have the information required for most analyses. These are defined as:
- Moment 0: The integrated intensity in each spectrum. The units are the cube's brightness units multiplied by the spectral unit (e.g., K km/s).
- Moment 1: The intensity weighted centroid along a spectrum. The units are in the spectral dimension in the cube (e.g., km/s or GHz).
- Moment 2: The intensity weighted dispersion along a spectrum. The square root estimates the line width. The units are in the spectral dimension in the cube (e.g., km/s or GHz).
- Peak intensity: The maximum in each spectrum. The units are the dimensions of the cube (e.g., K or Jy/beam)
- Peak velocity: The spectral position of the maximum along a spectrum (i.e., the peak of a spectrum). The units are in the spectral dimension in the cube.
Here we show the equivalent calls in spectral-cube and CASA to produce these moment maps.
Moment 0¶
In CASA, moment maps can be made in two ways: immoments
(task level) and ia.moments
(tool level). Both provide the ability to compute different types of moment maps.
While the immoments
task is likely the most common method to use, we will use ia.moments
in this tutorial since it does not immediately save the moment map to a CASA image file. The equivalent calls for immoments
are also shown.
To produce the zeroth moment map:
# Using `immoments`
# immoments(filename, moments=0, axis='spec',
# outfile=outfilename)
t0 = time()
moment0 = ia.moments(moments=0, drop=True)
t1 = time()
time_casa_moment0 = t1 - t0
print(f"CASA cube moment 0 time: {time_casa_moment0} s")
CASA cube moment 0 time: 0.06425714492797852 s
There is one difference in how CASA saves the moment maps with respect to the original FITS file and how spectral-cube creates moment maps. The array from the CASA output will have the axes transposed with respect to the original FITS file.
We will tranpose the axes here and for the other CASA-derived moment maps below.
# Image as a numpy array
casa_moment0 = moment0.getchunk()
# Close the CASA image
casa_moment0 = casa_moment0.T
In spectral-cube, there is a generic SpectralCube.moment
function, and a separate SpectralCube.moment0
function for convenience. The former just requires specifying the order of the moment.
# Using the general moment function:
# sc_moment0 = cube.moment(order=0)
t0 = time()
sc_moment0 = cube.moment0()
t1 = time()
time_sc_moment0 = t1 - t0
print(f"SC cube moment0 time: {time_sc_moment0} s")
SC cube moment0 time: 0.0371701717376709 s
Here are the equivalent moment 0 maps from both CASA and spectral-cube:
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title("CASA Moment 0", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment0, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.title("spectral-cube Moment 0", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(sc_moment0.value, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.title("CASA - spectral-cube\ndifference", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment0 - sc_moment0.value, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f45bccc2a40>
The moment 0 maps are effectively equivalent. The ~1e-7 differences are likely due to floating point roundoff.
When the cube has a varying beam (per spectral channel), differences in moment maps may also arise from differences between spectral-cube and CASA in how those beams are treated. spectral-cube checks for and allows operations when there are small variations in the beams (<1%`), and otherwise raises an error if the beams are too discrepant. CASA will automatically convolve each channel to the largest beam in the set of beams when computing the moment map.
A note on masking¶
With increasing order, the moment maps become more susceptible to noise in the cube. Because of this, it becomes necessary to impose a signal mask to exclude regions without signal from the moment maps.
For this example, we will impose a simple mask based on the moment 0 maps above. There are 2 clear sources of signal in the above maps, and we will impose a spatial mask based on a threshold of the integrated intensity.
Note: You may notice a bright peak in the peak intensity map below. The cube we use in this tutorial is near the edge of the larger mosaic observed by ALMA. This apparent "peak" is due to the low primary beam coverage at this point and therefore is noisier.
We will add a link to a tutorial of more sophisticated masking techniques here in the future.
spatial_mask = sc_moment0 > 8 * u.K * u.km / u.s
masked_cube = cube.with_mask(spatial_mask)
# COMMENT: Note that we are applying masks directly to the array read in here. However, CASA does include the ability to save masks directly to the image files.
Moment 1¶
# Using `immoments`
# immoments(filename, moments=1, axis='spec',
# outfile=outfilename)
t0 = time()
moment1 = ia.moments(moments=1, drop=True)
t1 = time()
time_casa_moment1 = t1 - t0
print(f"CASA cube moment 1 time: {time_casa_moment1} s")
# Image as a numpy array
casa_moment1 = moment1.getchunk()
# Close the CASA image
casa_moment1 = casa_moment1.T
casa_moment1[~spatial_mask] = np.NaN
CASA cube moment 1 time: 0.055976152420043945 s
In spectral-cube:
# Using the general moment function:
# sc_moment1 = cube.moment(order=1)
t0 = time()
sc_moment1 = masked_cube.moment1()
t1 = time()
time_sc_moment1 = t1 - t0
print(f"SC cube moment1 time: {time_sc_moment1} s")
SC cube moment1 time: 0.07431221008300781 s
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title("CASA Moment 1", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment1, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.title("spectral-cube Moment 1", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(sc_moment1.value, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.title("CASA - spectral-cube\ndifference", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment1 - sc_moment1.value, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f45bcd15ed0>
As with the moment 0 maps, the two moment 1 maps are essentially identical.
Note that the channel widths in the cube are 0.7 km/s. The differences between the CASA and spectral-cube moment 1 maps is again negligible.
Moment 2 and line width¶
The second moment map is the variance. Because of this, we are usually intrested in its square root---effectively the standard deviation. For a Gaussian line profile with very high signal-to-noise ratio, this standard deviation will be the line of the Gaussian.
The moment 2 map in CASA is actually the line width, or the square root of the formal definition of the second moment. Because of this, no additional square root operation is needed.
# Using `immoments`
# immoments(filename, moments=2, axis='spec',
# outfile=outfilename)
t0 = time()
moment2 = ia.moments(moments=2, drop=True)
t1 = time()
time_casa_moment2 = t1 - t0
print(f"CASA cube moment 2 time: {time_casa_moment2} s")
# Image as a numpy array
casa_moment2 = moment2.getchunk()
# Close the CASA image
casa_moment2 = casa_moment2.squeeze()
casa_moment2 = casa_moment2.T
casa_moment2[~spatial_mask] = np.NaN
CASA cube moment 2 time: 0.059774160385131836 s /home/runner/.astropy/cache/download/url/3394036b29fa57af905b086e2c96c6bb/contents
In spectral-cube, the moment 2 map is the formal definition equivalent to the variance. Therefore, it has units of the spectral dimension squared (e.g., (km/s)^2).
The moment 2 is computed in the same way as shown above for the moment 1 map.
However, in most cases, the square root of the second moment is of interest, or the equivalent to what CASA returns as the second moment. There are two functions to return the line width: one to return the Gaussian sigma
) and the full-width-half-max (FWHM; SpectralCube.linewidth_fwhm
). The former is equivalent to the definition used in CASA.
First, to compute only the moment 2 map:
# Using the general moment function:
# sc_moment2 = cube.moment(order=2)
t0 = time()
sc_moment2 = masked_cube.moment2()
t1 = time()
time_sc_moment2 = t1 - t0
print(f"SC cube moment2 time: {time_sc_moment2} s")
SC cube moment2 time: 0.0972895622253418 s
WARNING: VarianceWarning: Note that the second moment returned will be a variance map. To get a linewidth map, use the SpectralCube.linewidth_fwhm() or SpectralCube.linewidth_sigma() methods instead. [spectral_cube.dask_spectral_cube]
And to directly compute the line width:
lwidth_sigma = masked_cube.linewidth_sigma() # Equivalent to CASA's 2nd moment
lwidth_fwhm = masked_cube.linewidth_fwhm()
and lwidth_fwhm
differ only by a factor of $\sqrt{8 {\rm ln} 2}$ (~2.35).
Here, we plot the equivalent "line width sigma" to compare between CASA and spectral-cube:
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title("CASA Moment 2\n(line width sigma)", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment2, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.title("spectral-cube\nline width sigma", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(lwidth_sigma.value, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.title("CASA - spectral-cube\ndifference", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment2 - lwidth_sigma.value, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f45bc68ee90>
The values agree well between the CASA moment 2 and spectral-cube line width sigma. However, there are noticably fewer finite values in the spectral-cube version.
The difference is due to how negative values are handled in the moment 2 (variance) map. When only signal is present, the moment 2 values should all be positive since the intensity will be positive.
However, negative moment 2 values can be produced when noise is present and some intensity values are <0. In CASA, immoments
takes the absolute value of the moment 2 variance before applying the square root. spectral-cube does not make this assumption, and so the additional NaN values above are due to places where the moment 2 value was negative.
To exactly reproduce the CASA behaviour, the following can be compared:
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title("CASA Moment 2", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment2, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.title("spectral-cube |Moment 2|$^{1/2}$", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(np.sqrt(np.abs(sc_moment2.value)), origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.title("CASA - spectral-cube\ndifference", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment2 - np.sqrt(np.abs(sc_moment2.value)), origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f45bc30b7f0>
Now the two match exactly.
Note: When the moment 2 map has a negative value, it likely means additional masking is necessary. Taking the absolute value of the second moment map is equivalent to taking the absolute value of the spectrum, which is not representative of the noise properties and, critically, will lead to an overestimate of the line width from the second moment.
In this simple example, we applied only a spatial mask and left some noisy regions along the spectral dimension. From the moment 1 maps above, we know that most of the signal is around -190 to -230 km/s. Using only that range, the line width map is:
# Using a spectral range in CASA
# Get the pixel range of the velocity range
low_chan = cube.closest_spectral_channel(-230 * u.km / u.s)
high_chan = cube.closest_spectral_channel(-190 * u.km / u.s)
outfilename = f"{filename.split('.')[0]}.moment2.image"
if not os.path.exists(outfilename):
immoments(filename, moments=2, axis='spec',
# mask=f'"{filename}">0.12', # Mask out noise
chans=f'{low_chan}~{high_chan}', # Spectral slab where the signal is located
# Image as a numpy array
casa_moment2_slab = ia.getchunk().squeeze()
# Close the CASA image
casa_moment2_slab = casa_moment2_slab.T
casa_moment2_slab[~spatial_mask] = np.NaN
# Using a spectral range in spectral-cube
lwidth_sigma_slab = masked_cube.spectral_slab(-190 * u.km / u.s, -230 * u.km / u.s).linewidth_sigma()
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title("CASA Moment 2", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment2_slab, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.title("spectral-cube line width sigma", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(lwidth_sigma_slab.value, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.title("Residual", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_moment2_slab - lwidth_sigma_slab.value, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f45b4f0e230>
Note that the line widths with the spectral masking are now ~5 times smaller. Because the moment 2 map is a measure of variance, noisy values far from the moment 1 (centroid) value can cause an large overestimation in the line width.
Peak intensity¶
The peak intensity is simply the maximum along each spectrum.
Note: We use the cube without the spatial mask applied above. Bright signal will be evident, though a mask may be helpful when the peak signal-to-noise in the cube is small.
In CASA, this is defined as moments=8
. This is simply the setting used in CASA and is not a formal definition for the 8th moment (which is not used in practice, anyways).
# Using `immoments`
# immoments(filename, moments=8, axis='spec',
# outfile=outfilename)
t0 = time()
moment8 = ia.moments(moments=8)
t1 = time()
time_casa_peak = t1 - t0
print(f"CASA cube peak intensity time: {time_casa_peak} s")
# Image as a numpy array
casa_peakintensity = moment8.getchunk()
# Close the CASA image
casa_peakintensity = casa_peakintensity.squeeze()
casa_peakintensity = casa_peakintensity.T
CASA cube peak intensity time: 0.05943799018859863 s
In spectral-cube, the SpectralCube.max
operation can be applied along the spectral dimension (axis=0
t0 = time()
sc_peakintensity = cube.max(axis=0)
t1 = time()
time_sc_peak = t1 - t0
print(f"SC cube peak time: {time_sc_peak} s")
SC cube peak time: 0.019208192825317383 s
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title("CASA peak intensity", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_peakintensity, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.title("spectral-cube peak intensity", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(sc_peakintensity.value, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.title("CASA - spectral-cube\ndifference", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_peakintensity - sc_peakintensity.value, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f45bc748df0>
We clearly see two bright sources in the above peak intensity maps, along with possibly fainter signal bridging between the two. This fainter signal requires a more careful signal mask to derive its properties in the signal mask.
Also, as noted above, the apparent bright peak in the upper right corner is where the noise increases at the edge of the observed mosaic, and is therefore not real signal.
Peak velocity¶
The peak velocity is the velocity (or equivalent spectral unit) where the peak intensity is located. Since this is only well-defined where signal is detected, we will use the masked cube again for this example.
In CASA, the peak velocity is defined as moments=9
, which similar to the peak intensity, is the label used for immoments
or ia.moments
# Using `immoments`
# immoments(filename, moments=9, axis='spec',
# outfile=outfilename)
t0 = time()
moment9 = ia.moments(moments=9)
t1 = time()
time_casa_peakvelocity = t1 - t0
print(f"CASA cube peak velocity time: {time_casa_peakvelocity} s")
# Image as a numpy array
casa_peakvelocity = moment9.getchunk()
# Close the CASA image
casa_peakvelocity = casa_peakvelocity.squeeze()
casa_peakvelocity = casa_peakvelocity.T
casa_peakvelocity[~spatial_mask] = np.NaN
CASA cube peak velocity time: 0.07454586029052734 s
In spectral-cube, the velocity at peak intensity can be computed with the SpectralCube.argmax_world(axis=0)
function. This function will convert the pixel values from SpectralCube.argmax
to the WCS coordinates along the given axis. Specifying axis=0
will use the spectral axis and so will return the peak velocity.
t0 = time()
sc_peakvelocity = masked_cube.argmax_world(axis=0)
t1 = time()
time_sc_peakvel = t1 - t0
print(f"SC cube peak velocity time: {time_sc_peakvel} s")
SC cube peak velocity time: 0.10002541542053223 s
WARNING: PossiblySlowWarning: This function (<function BaseSpectralCube.argmax_world at 0x7f45e5b65870>) requires loading the entire cube into memory and may therefore be slow. [spectral_cube.utils]
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title("CASA peak velocity", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_peakvelocity, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.title("spectral-cube peak velocity", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(sc_peakvelocity.value, origin='lower')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.title("CASA - spectral-cube\ndifference", fontsize=14)
plt.imshow(casa_peakvelocity - sc_peakvelocity.value, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f45b4bdeda0>
Spectral and spatial fits are common operations on spectral-cubes. In the spectral-cube fitting tutorial we demonstrate how to use astropy.modeling with spectral-cube. We will use the models described in that tutorial here to compare with the CASA tasks for fitting.
Spectral fitting¶
To demonstrate fitting in both spectral-cube and CASA, we will fit a single spectrum with a high signal-to-noise to a Gaussian model.
y, x = 32, 32
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
spec = cube[:, y, x]
Spectral fitting in CASA uses the specfit
t0 = time()
specfit_casa = specfit(imagename=filename, ngauss=1,
t1 = time()
print(f"CASA specfit time: {t1 - t0} s")
# Note that FWHM needs to be converted to "sigma" (FWHM = sqrt(8 ln 2) sigma).
FWHM2SIGMA = np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
# Produce an astropy model with the fitted parameters
# The "squeeze" operations are to reduce the CASA fit output to a 1D array
g_casafit = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=specfit_casa['gs']['amp'].squeeze() * u.K,
mean=specfit_casa['gs']['center'].squeeze() * u.km / u.s,
stddev=specfit_casa['gs']['fwhm'].squeeze() / FWHM2SIGMA * u.km / u.s)
CASA specfit time: 0.040735721588134766 s Model: Gaussian1D Inputs: ('x',) Outputs: ('y',) Model set size: 1 Parameters: amplitude mean stddev K km / s km / s ------------------ ------------------ ----------------- 1.0974596246462474 -211.5563499171859 4.187807968797902
has many additional parameters and settings, including fitting multiple spectra, which are not shown for this example.
The equivalent fitting with spectral-cube and astropy is:
t0 = time()
# The 1D Gaussian model with initial guesses for parameters
g_init = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=1.0 * u.K, mean=-210 * u.km / u.s, stddev=4. * u.km / u.s)
# And fit with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and least squares statistic.
fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
# The initial model, spectral axis (in km/s) and spectrum are passed for the fit
g_fit = fit_g(g_init, spec.spectral_axis, spec)
t1 = time()
print(f"SC/astropy spectral fit time: {t1 - t0} s")
SC/astropy spectral fit time: 0.005217075347900391 s Model: Gaussian1D Inputs: ('x',) Outputs: ('y',) Model set size: 1 Parameters: amplitude mean stddev K km / s km / s ------------------ ------------------- ----------------- 1.0974570268801327 -211.55635877059825 4.187827787198793
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax0 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(spec.spectral_axis, g_casafit(spec.spectral_axis), label='CASA `specfit`')
plt.plot(spec.spectral_axis, g_fit(spec.spectral_axis), ":",
label='spectral-cube + astropy', linewidth=3)
plt.legend(frameon=True, loc='best', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel("Brightness temperature (K)", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Velocity (km/s)", fontsize=12)
plt.xlim([-250, -175])
# plt.ylim([])
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2, sharex=ax0)
plt.plot(spec.spectral_axis, g_fit(spec.spectral_axis) - g_casafit(spec.spectral_axis), label='spectral-cube/astropy - CASA model')
# plt.plot(spec.spectral_axis, , ":",
# label='spectral-cube + astropy', linewidth=3)
plt.legend(frameon=True, loc='lower left', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Velocity (km/s)", fontsize=12)
Text(0.5, 0, 'Velocity (km/s)')
The fits are essentially identical.
Spatial fitting¶
Similar to the spectral fitting, we will demonstrate spatial fitting to a single source in the integrated intensity (moment 0) map with a 2D Gaussian model.
In CASA, 2D Gaussians can be fit using the imfit
# Create a new moment0 image
outfilename = f"{filename.split('.')[0]}.moment0.image"
# Cutout a 13 pixel box around the central source
size = 13
# Identify the spectral channels. We will only integrate over the range where
# there is bright signal
low_chan = cube.closest_spectral_channel(-230 * u.km / u.s)
high_chan = cube.closest_spectral_channel(-190 * u.km / u.s)
if not os.path.exists(outfilename):
print('Making new moment image')
# Slice out the same size we will use with spectral-cube
# See the region file formats here: https://casaguides.nrao.edu/index.php/CASA_Region_Format
immoments(filename, moments=0, axis='spec',
mask=f'"{filename}">0.12', # Mask out noise
region=f'box [ [{x-size}pix,{y-size}pix] , [{x+size-1}pix, {y+size-1}pix]]', # Slice out location of source
# Fit 1 2D Gaussian to the cropped moment0 image made above.
spatfit_casa = imfit(imagename=outfilename)
# Note that FWHM needs to be converted to "sigma" (FWHM = sqrt(8 ln 2) sigma).
FWHM2SIGMA = np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
# Make a grid of spatial grids in terms of the pixel shape. We're going to leave out the units for now.
yy, xx = np.mgrid[:2 * size, :2 * size]
t0 = time()
# There is some discrepancy in units in the format that CASA returns.
# For this example, we will only use the peak amplitude unit K (though CASA returns this as Jy/pixel)
g_casa_spatfit = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=spatfit_casa['results']['component0']['peak']['value'] * u.K * u.km / u.s,
y_stddev=spatfit_casa['results']['component0']['shape']['majoraxis']['value'] / FWHM2SIGMA,
x_stddev=spatfit_casa['results']['component0']['shape']['minoraxis']['value'] / FWHM2SIGMA,
theta=spatfit_casa['results']['component0']['shape']['positionangle']['value'] * u.deg)
t1 = time()
print(f"CASA imfit time: {t1 - t0} s")
print("CASA 2D Gaussian fit:")
/home/runner/.astropy/cache/download/url/3394036b29fa57af905b086e2c96c6bb/contents Making new moment image CASA imfit time: 0.0006351470947265625 s CASA 2D Gaussian fit: Model: Gaussian2D Inputs: ('x', 'y') Outputs: ('z',) Model set size: 1 Parameters: amplitude x_mean ... y_stddev theta K km / s ... deg ----------------- ------------------ ... ----------------- ------------------ 12.86810998608726 15.495146750917044 ... 4.440961399724874 131.87818034607994
2024-06-04 15:02:33 WARN imfit::ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit K.km/s. Will assume Jy/pixel 2024-06-04 15:02:33 WARN imfit::SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy 2024-06-04 15:02:33 WARN imfit::SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() The image units 'K.km/s' are not consistent 2024-06-04 15:02:33 WARN imfit::SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux()+ with Jy when integrated over the sky. Assuming Jy/pixel 2024-06-04 15:02:33 WARN imfit::SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() The image units 'K.km/s' are not consistent 2024-06-04 15:02:33 WARN imfit::SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux()+ with Jy when integrated over the sky. Assuming Jy/pixel
We have used a few conversions to match the models.Gaussian2D
expected inputs. Notably, CASA outputs the FWHM of the 2D Gaussian, so we have converted those to the equivalent Gaussian standard deviation.
It is also important to note that we have not used the output units given by CASA as (1) it is easiest to use the pixel coordinates for the x_mean
and y_mean
from the full CASA output, and (2) there is some discrepancy in the units returned by CASA, as the peak amplitude is labeled as "Jy/pix" but is in the original moment 0 units of (K km/s).
To view the full imfit
output, uncomment the line below:
# spatfit_casa['results']['component0']
# Make equivalently masked moment 0 value.
# Mask noisy values below 0.12 K
masked_cube = cube.with_mask(cube > 0.12 * u.K)
# Only integrate over channels with signal
masked_cube_slab = masked_cube.spectral_slab(-230 * u.km / u.s, -190 * u.km / u.s)
moment0 = masked_cube_slab.moment0()
# Cutout region with the source of interest
size = 13
moment0_cutout = moment0[y-size:y+size, x-size:x+size]
# Make a grid of spatial grids in terms of the pixel shape. We're going to leave out the units for now.
yy, xx = np.mgrid[:2 * size, :2 * size]
t0 = time()
# Define a single 2D Gaussian model.
p_init_gauss2D = models.Gaussian2D(x_mean=xx[size, size], y_mean=yy[size, size],
amplitude=12 * u.K * u.km / u.s,
x_stddev=8, y_stddev=8)
# And fit with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and least squares statistic.
fit_p = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
# Set NaNs to 0 for the fit.
moment0_cutout_quant = moment0_cutout.quantity
moment0_cutout_quant[np.isnan(moment0_cutout_quant)] = 0.
# Set the weights of the NaN positions to 0. so they are not used in the fit.
# All non-zero pixels have equal weights of 1
weights = np.isfinite(moment0_cutout)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Ignore model linearity warning from the fitter
p_gauss2D = fit_p(p_init_gauss2D, xx, yy, moment0_cutout_quant, weights=weights)
t1 = time()
print(f"spectral-cube/astropy 2D Gaussian fit time: {t1 - t0} s")
print('spectral-cube/astropy 2D Gaussian fit:')
spectral-cube/astropy 2D Gaussian fit time: 0.008033514022827148 s spectral-cube/astropy 2D Gaussian fit: Model: Gaussian2D Inputs: ('x', 'y') Outputs: ('z',) Model set size: 1 Parameters: amplitude x_mean ... y_stddev theta K km / s ... rad ------------------ ------------------ ... ----------------- --------------- 12.868109659164771 15.495146135088824 ... 4.440961325704367 2.3019581857933
While the CASA output converts into angular sizes using the WCS information, the astropy fit is fit using the pixel grid. Because of this, we add one additional step to convert the pixel size to angular units.
Note that the tutorial dataset has 1 pixel = $1^{''}$ so the x_stddev
and y_stddev
will not appear to change. In general, this will not be the case.
Below we show the general conversion from pixel to angular sizes.
Note that y_stddev
and x_stddev
are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the 2D Gaussian, not the size along the y and x axes in the image.
For y_stddev
, we compute the the sizes along the y
and x
pixel axes:
$$ {\rm y\_stddev}_y = ({\rm y\_stddev}) \ {\rm sin} \left( \theta \right) $$
$$ {\rm y\_stddev}_x = ({\rm y\_stddev}) \ {\rm cos} \left( \theta \right) $$
The pixel scales in the y and x directions are $\Delta_y$ and $\Delta_x$, so along the angular size along the pixel grid is:
$$ {\rm y\_stddev}^{\rm ang}_y = {\rm y\_stddev}_y \ \Delta_y,$$
and similar for $x$ using $\Delta_x$. Normally, $\Delta_y=\Delta_x$ but we show the general case here as an example.
Combining the x and y pixel scales gives y_stddev
in angular units:
$$ {\rm y\_stddev}^{\rm ang} = {\rm y\_stddev} \ \left( \Delta_y^2 \ {\rm sin}^2 \theta + \Delta_x^2 {\rm cos}^2 \theta \right)^{1/2}. $$
The conversion for ${\rm x\_stddev}^{\rm ang}$ is the same with the trig operations switched in the equations (since there is a $90^{\circ}$ offset in theta
for the other ellipse axis):
$$ {\rm x\_stddev}^{\rm ang} = {\rm x\_stddev} \ \left( \Delta_y^2 \ {\rm cos}^2 \theta + \Delta_x^2 {\rm sin}^2 \theta \right)^{1/2}. $$
# Use the WCS utility function to get the pixel scale in each spatial pixel axis
from astropy.wcs.utils import proj_plane_pixel_scales
# This returns the units in deg, which is the WCS standard
x_pixtoang, y_pixtoang = proj_plane_pixel_scales(moment0_cutout.wcs.celestial) * u.deg
# Convert to the pixel scale to arcsec
y_pixtoang = y_pixtoang.to(u.arcsec)
x_pixtoang = x_pixtoang.to(u.arcsec)
print(f"Spatial pixel scales: {y_pixtoang}, {x_pixtoang}")
y_stddev_ang = p_gauss2D.y_stddev * np.sqrt(y_pixtoang**2 * np.sin(p_gauss2D.theta)**2 + x_pixtoang**2 * np.cos(p_gauss2D.theta)**2)
x_stddev_ang = p_gauss2D.x_stddev * np.sqrt(y_pixtoang**2 * np.cos(p_gauss2D.theta)**2 + x_pixtoang**2 * np.sin(p_gauss2D.theta)**2)
print(f"The astropy 2D Gaussian fit size is: {p_gauss2D.y_stddev.quantity:.3f} pix, {p_gauss2D.x_stddev.quantity:.3f} pix")
print(f"The astropy 2D Gaussian fit size in angular units is: {y_stddev_ang:.3f}, {x_stddev_ang:.3f}")
Spatial pixel scales: 1.00000000000008 arcsec, 1.00000000000008 arcsec The astropy 2D Gaussian fit size is: 4.441 pix, 3.467 pix The astropy 2D Gaussian fit size in angular units is: 4.441 arcsec, 3.467 arcsec
As promised for this example, the pixel and angular sizes are the same because 1 pix = 1 arcsec.
To compare the two fits, we plot the data from moment0_cutout
, the models, and their residuals:
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
plt.subplot(2, 3, 1)
plt.title("Image", fontsize=18)
plt.imshow(moment0_cutout.value, origin='lower', cmap='inferno')
# Model maps
plt.subplot(2, 3, 2)
plt.title("SC/Astropy Model", fontsize=18)
plt.imshow(p_gauss2D(xx, yy).value, origin='lower', cmap='inferno')
plt.subplot(2, 3, 3)
plt.title("CASA Model", fontsize=18)
plt.imshow(g_casa_spatfit(xx, yy).value, origin='lower', cmap='inferno')
# Model to model comparison
plt.subplot(2, 3, 4)
plt.title("SC/Astropy - CASA Models ", fontsize=18)
plt.imshow(p_gauss2D(xx, yy).value - g_casa_spatfit(xx, yy).value, origin='lower', cmap='bwr')
# Residual maps
plt.subplot(2, 3, 5)
plt.title("SC/Astropy Residual", fontsize=18)
plt.imshow(moment0_cutout.value - p_gauss2D(xx, yy).value, origin='lower', cmap='inferno')
plt.subplot(2, 3, 6)
plt.title("CASA Residual", fontsize=18)
plt.imshow(moment0_cutout.value - g_casa_spatfit(xx, yy).value, origin='lower', cmap='inferno')