Analysis Tutorials using radio-astro-tools
radio-astro-tools Tutorials
These are a series of tutorials combining the radio-astro-tools packages with the larger astropy ecosystem for analyzing spectral-line data cubes and radio/mm/sub-mm astronomical data.Fitting with spectral-cube
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Tutorial on fitting a Gaussian model to all sightlines in a spectral cube using spectral-cube and astropy.modelling.
A guide to spectral-cube for CASA users
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A how-to guide translating common spectral cube operations between spectral-cube and CASA.
Signal-masking and calculating moment maps from spectral cubes
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Applying noise estimation techniques to create a signal mask for a spectral data cube. And use that mask to calculate various moment maps.
Parallel fitting with dask
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How to use parallel processing to speed up spectral fitting with spectral-cube, astropy, and dask.
Identification of the far 3 kpc arm in the Dame 2001 CO map
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Reproducing the discovery of the far 3 kpc arm from Dame et al. (2008) using spectral-cube and astropy.
Creating and plotting Position-velocity (PV) diagrams
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Demonstrating how to make position-velocity (PV) diagrams with pvextractor along arbitrary-shaped paths.
Position-velocity (PV) diagram of a protoplanetary disk
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Examples of two methods to extract the position-velocity diagram of a protoplanetary disk using data from the MAPS ALMA large program.
Reprojecting two cubes to a common resolution and projection
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Demonstrating how to match two ALMA spectral-line data cubes onto a common, resolution, grid and projection.
Applying a signal mask from one cube to another
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Author: Alyssa Bulatek
Matching two ALMA spectral-line data cubes onto a common, resolution, grid and projection, and how to use one cube to produce a signal mask for the other. This is is helpful for situations where the velocity structure of one cube is more complicated than the other, or one line is significantly brighter than the other and can help recover structer from the fainter line.
Astropy Learn tutorials
There are additional tutorials available in the Astropy Learn library. Search for "spectral-cube"
under the astropy packages list. These tutorials include:
Plotting position-velocity (PV) diagrams: Similar to the version listed above.
Reprojecting spectral cubes onto a mutual grid: How to match the spatial, and spectral resolution between two data cubes, and then reproject one onto the other.
An overview of working FITS cubes: A tour of spectral-cube operations matching 21-cm HI and Herschel data of the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Authored by Dhanesh Krishnarao (DK), Shravan Shetty, Diego Gonzalez-Casanova, Audra Hernandez, Kris Stern, Kelle Cruz, Stephanie Douglas.
Plotting position-velocity (PV) diagrams: Similar to the version listed above.
Reprojecting spectral cubes onto a mutual grid: How to match the spatial, and spectral resolution between two data cubes, and then reproject one onto the other.
An overview of working FITS cubes: A tour of spectral-cube operations matching 21-cm HI and Herschel data of the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Authored by Dhanesh Krishnarao (DK), Shravan Shetty, Diego Gonzalez-Casanova, Audra Hernandez, Kris Stern, Kelle Cruz, Stephanie Douglas.
If you'd like to contribute, we welcome new
tutorials and recommendations for existing tutorials! Please open a
pull request
Contributed Scripts: A depository for community-contributed scripts that are not necessarily vetted or well-tested but may be useful to others
Sandbox: A repository for anything in progress and potentially useful for others or future prototyping.
These tutorials are developed by Adam Ginsburg,
Eric Koch, and
Alyssa Bulatek with input from Tom Robitaille and Erik Rosolowsky.
This project has been partially funded from the ALMA development program funded by the NSF.